Al son


"Al son" is a piece created by and for women, in which I aim to make my small contribution to honor and bring visibility to the history of those who have been denied their own voice. Invisible women whose life testimonies have been diluted in anonymity, and also to the rebels, those who managed to achieve their dreams and yet were erased from collective memory, in many cases, simply because they were women.

May this piece serve as my humble tribute to all these women and at the same time serve as a catalyst for those of us who live in the present to move forward, freeing ourselves from the oppression that also exists in our current society, to, together, take a breath and continue advancing towards a path of liberation, acceptance, free choice, and achievement of our own dreams.



Direction and choreography: Sara Cano
Choreography assistance: Verónica Garzón and Begoña Quiñones
Folklore teacher: Javier García Ávila
Percussion teacher: Juan Antonio Torres
Performers: Sara Cano, Yolanda Barrero, Cristina Cazorla, Verónica Garzón, Irene Hernández, Lucía López, Ana del Rey, and Nuria Tena
Original music: Vigüela and Jose Pablo Polo
Text: Sara Cano, based on texts by Marcia Belisarda and popular songbook
Costume: Carmen 17 and Dolores Durán
Lighting design: Marino Zabaleta
Scenography: Sara Cano
Photography: marcosGpunto
Video: Ana Verastegui
Production: Sara Cano Dance Company
Management: Elena Santonja ES Management

With the support of the Community of Madrid, CC Paco Rabal, Torrejón Culture, and SGAE Foundation.